Saturday, August 1, 2009

On ward and outward

So I took myself and all six personalities on my first solo venture out from the resort. Found myself past Paia and hitting Baldwin and "Baby Beach". Both technically the same area but baby beach is like a natural made swimming pool from a natural wall of rock that blocks the waves from breaking the shore.

Warmed up in the kiddie area and then dove out into the open ocean. I've had my first sip of sea water since I was a little kid, and there is nothing to compare to! I don't to be so far away from this again honestly. There wasn't to much even as far out as I was. I of course followed the first rule of open ocean swimming sorta, since I was solo I stuck near some surfers and would body surf back in to shore to rest. 

The fish! THE FISH! THE FISH! The patterns and colors I assume were just a sample of what i will see when I get out onto an actual snorkel expedition. But it was so cool! The sand is white and soft until you get to the dry upper parts of the beach where the wind picks it up and shoots what feels like little bullets along any open skin >.

I picked up some select shells, alot just broken dead muscle shells since it carries that mother of pearl look on the interior. The danger of well, everything is how sharp. Coming in from one of the final outings from see I swam inbetween some big old rocks and placed my hand down to propel forward. While doing so I ran the side of my thumb along a razor sharp edge and like when you're shaving in the shower it cut through like I was butter. Gross! It also stung like no other. Lesson learned I guess.

I got a good dose of sun, maybe a little more then preferred. I can feel a ticklish tingle along my shoulders and back. So the later afternoon was spent refuging in my room watching Farscape season 4 on the comp. 

Tomorrow might be more beach time but I do need to make a trip into town for more food and to shop around and see what else Paia holds before I go anywhere else.  More to come!


Francesca said...

Again, that sky is GORGEOUS. The ocean!!!

Soapfish said...

You are soooooooo gay.

Decisive TRTL said...

Ian, I will come back there and beat you up.

Tiffany said...

Ian makes a very valid point.

Decisive TRTL said...

Ugg, both of you then. WIth a piece of sharp coral carved from the beaks of my sea turtle brothers!

Katy Farina said...

Point proven, methinks. :D