Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The first and foremost important thing. You have to know me!

Okie dokie. I've accumulated my links, I've experienced the stuff and I've found my little obsessions. So this is an attempt to organize and help make public the stuff that waddles out of my head. Woot! Lets start out with something very special happening on this day. With 10 min. on the clock I pulled up to Barnes and Noble before closing. I request the book I've been waiting way to long for and alas. The one and only shrink wrapped copy is sitting on the "to be shelfed" rack. 
I now own this piece of work(s)...

Oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez. This is what I can only dream of doing right now. He's casted his amazing shadow over every field of art. After this book as come out he's stated he's receding and doing some private commission stuff for awhile. But alas. Fables. AMAZING

I'm in the midst of doing the Frog Prince myself. I would be lying if I said I wasn't inspired on his amazing take of it stylistically. Especially in 1001 Nights of Snow Fall. 

Ok. Now that I have this blog up. I'm gonna do some work. MAYBE even get it posted onto here. Wouldn't that be awesome?